Disney Plus Ad Blocker

is now available on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox

Affiliate Disclosure for Disney Plus Ad Blocker

Effective Date: 27 April, 2024

Welcome to Disney Plus Ad Blocker. We believe in transparency and open communication. This Affiliate Disclosure explains how we generate revenue and maintain our service, ensuring that you understand the relationships and financial arrangements behind the content and services we provide.


Disney Plus Ad Blocker is a browser extension designed to enhance your online experience by blocking ads and improving website load times, especially on Disney Plus and other related platforms. To sustain and manage the server costs effectively while maintaining high-quality service, we participate in affiliate marketing programs.

Affiliate Marketing

As part of our operations, Disney Plus Ad Blocker earns affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases made through our extension. This means that if you click on a link or make a purchase on websites after installing our extension, we may receive a commission from our affiliate partners. This arrangement is at no additional cost to you.

How Affiliate Links Work

  • 1. Automatic Operation: Once installed, our extension may automatically direct you to affiliate links when you shop online.
  • 2. No Extra Cost to You: Using affiliate links does not affect the price you pay for products. In fact, it sometimes means you could benefit from special deals and discounts available exclusively through these links.
  • 3. Selection of Affiliates: Our affiliates are chosen based on their relevance to our users and the quality of their products or services. We strive to partner with reputable companies and platforms that align with the interests and needs of our audience.

Use of Affiliate Commissions

The commissions we earn are used to:

  • Maintain and upgrade our server infrastructure;
  • Enhance the functionality and features of Disney Plus Ad Blocker;
  • Provide support and development for the extension;
  • Ensure the ongoing operation of our services.

Our Commitment to Honesty

We commit to honesty and transparency in our affiliate relationships. While we receive commissions from purchases made through our affiliate links, we provide unbiased recommendations and do not allow these relationships to influence the information we present. Our priority is to add value to your experience and to provide you with useful tools and information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Affiliate Disclosure or any other aspect of our services, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can contact us via email at [email protected].

Thank you for using Disney Plus Ad Blocker. We appreciate your trust and look forward to providing you with a high-quality ad-blocking experience.